Ever curious about your innate creative tendencies and
potential? Find out your creator type— backed up by science.
Creators inspire change in the world.
They come in all shapes and forms, unearthing all kinds of ideas for the world to act
upon. Creators possess a multitude of personalities that allow them to be the best
problem solvers in different areas of life. While some people are a lot more creative
than others, creativity is at the core of being a human. It exists in every single one of
us— in artists, entrepreneurs, politicians, and professionals. Simply put, this set of
creative abilities are one of the main traits that make every individual unique.
Are you curious about your creator type? Take this quiz to know which trait
dominates your creativity. Awareness is the first step that will guide you in your
journey to more possibilities and potentialities.

Jungian Archetypes and
Your Creator Type
Carl Gustav Jung, a Swiss Psychiatrist, introduced
archetypes. It is a set of patterns and behaviors that
connect people from past, present, and future. In this
quiz, you will know your particular archetype and how it
relates to your creativity.
Children tend to be naturally spontaneous, free-spirited,
and innocent. For these little minds, the world looks
small and this ability to see the world as such allows
them to believe that everything is within their reach.
Once we grow up, we tend to realize how the world is a
vast place as we continue to expand our circle and view
things through a different lens. We act more acceptably
to fulfill others’ expectations and fit in within the ‘norm,’
which eventually makes us lose sight of our creativity.
Why You Should Know Your Creator
Type And What It Means For You
Creativity is said to be deep within us, and it subtly leads our everyday lives. The four main types are universally innate to all of us; however, one may dominate.
Knowing what type of creator you are is a good opportunity to see what abilities are being maximized and what are not. Not only will this help you gain a different perspective, but it will also help you see what makes up of your creative abilities.
We at The Tamil Creator Podcast created a quiz to help you in finding and understanding your creator type and how you can use that information to hone your creativity and maximize your fullest potential.